A level Physics is one of our most interesting and fascinating A level courses on offer at the college, and will develop your interest and understanding in the topic from their GCSE studies. A level Physics encompasses many different units during the duration of the course, not only learning and developing key theoretical concepts, but also having the option to apply their knowledge through conducting experiments.
Level 3
Course Type
16 +
A Level
Options | Course Code | Starts | Ends |
apply | 02138y1 | 08/09/25 | 18/06/27 |
During the two-year A level courses, you will study a wide range of units that will develop and ignite your interest and passion for the subject.
Some of these units include
Electric and magnetic fields
Waves and particle nature of light
Forces and motion
Practical work within the lesson is extremely important, and there will be a set number of practical experiments that you will do during the duration of the courses.
Our general entry criteria to study 3 A-Levels is: Minimum five GCSEs grade 4-9 with English Language or Maths at grade 5. For a mixed Level 3 programme the criteria are: Minimum five GCSEs grade 4-9 with English Language or Maths at grade 4. Subject specific entry criteria apply: A GCSE grade 5 in Maths, Combined Science 66 or Physics grade 6.
You will be assessed by your teacher at regular intervals during the two years using a combination of homework , short tests and longer tests You will be formally assessed at the end of the second year. This include 3 papers consisting of: Paper one which is 30% of your overall grade; paper two which is 30% of your overall grade; paper three which is worth 40% of your overall grade.
You will achieve an A Level in Physics
This course offers a pathway onto many university courses where you can study either a broad-based physics science course or one in which you specialise in a particular area of science. In addition, many students who study physics go on to study engineering or mathematics.
There will be extra costs such as purchase of course textbooks. These cost approximately £20 each
A level Physics is significantly more challenging than GCSE physics. In order to be successful in this course, all students will need to study hard and engage in independent study throughout the year.
Many students find that this course combines well with A-level mathematics, Chemistry and Biology.