Physics A Level

Physics A-Level is a fascinating subject that will help you develop a range of practical, analytical and evaluative skills. In the first year, you will learn about mechanics, electric circuits, and materials. In the second year, we will cover more advanced topics such as nuclear and particle physics, thermodynamics, space, and gravitational fields.




Level 3

Course Type

16 +


A Level


Options Course Code Starts Ends
apply 03138y1 08/09/25 18/06/27

What will I study?

During this exciting two-year course, you will study a whole range of modules that will perfectly prepare you for further study at university.

You will learn practical techniques that will enable you to work as a Physicist. You will learn more about mechanics and Newton’s Laws of Motion, SUVAT, momentum, and energy conservation.

You will study electric circuits, such as series and parallel circuits, explore density, upthrust, viscosity, laminar and turbulent flow of materials, and take a closer look at waves and the particle nature of light, paying particular attention to wave superposition and interference, total internal reflection, refractive index, the De Broglie equation, the quantised nature of light, photon energy, threshold frequency, and Einstein’s photoelectric equation.

You'll then learn about electric and magnetic fields, the force on charged particles, charging and discharging capacitors, magnetic flux density, and Lenz’s and Faraday’s Laws.

Nuclear and particle physics is an interesting module that will explain more about ionising radiation, electron volts, thermionic emission, the Standard Model, quark interactions, and particle accelerators.

Other topics include Thermodynamics, Space Nuclear Radiation Gravitational fields, and Oscillations.

What previous qualifications or experience do I need?

Our general entry criteria to study 3 A-Levels is: Minimum five GCSEs grade 4-9 with English Language or Maths at grade 5. For a mixed Level 3 programme the criteria are: Minimum five GCSEs grade 4-9 with English Language or Maths at grade 4. Subject specific entry criteria apply: A GCSE grade 5 in Maths, Combined Science 66 or Physics grade 6.

How will I be assessed?

You will be assessed by your teacher at regular intervals during the two years using a combination of homework assignments and short exams.

You will be formally assessed at the end of the second year with three papers. Paper one will be worth 30% of your overall grade, paper two is worth another 30%, and paper three is worth the remaining 40%.

What qualification will I achieve?

Once you have completed this course, you will achieve an A-Level in Physics, awarded by Edexcel.

What can I do after completing this course?

This course offers a pathway onto many university courses where you can study either a broad-based physics science course or one in which you specialise in a particular area of science. Alternatively, you may decide to study engineering or mathematics degrees.

Are there any extra costs?

There is a small extra cost involved with this course as you will need to buy a textbook.

Additional Info

Physics is a demanding subject with a high workload, so we recommend that you are highly motivated, determined and hard-working. We also suggest that you devote at least four hours of study outside of class to review concepts and keep your notes organised.