Level 2 in Protective Services

Our exciting Level 2 course will teach you all about Uniformed Protective Services. You learn more about the public sector and the role of each protective service. You will also develop excellent teamwork skills and improve your health and fitness capabilities.


Hastings (Station Plaza)


Level 2

Course Type

16 +


Options Course Code Starts Ends
apply 60173 08/09/25 03/07/26

What will I study?

During this one-year course you will gain an in-depth knowledge about the role that each of the uniformed protective services play in helping supporting and protecting us. You will develop the teamwork, behavioural and health and fitness skills you need to part of the protective services, and understand crime and how it affects society. Learning will take place in the classroom, the college’s Station Plaza Fitness gym, Summerfields sports complex and Hastings Country Park.

You will begin the year with an induction camp whereby you will meet all students within the department and start developing the skills required to be a successful UPS student.

There will also be opportunities to represent the college in sports teams and a number of events, where you will represent the college whilst in the public eye.

What previous qualifications or experience do I need?

Minimum four grade 3-9 at GCSE or successful completion of the Level 1 course, and English or maths at grade 3.

How will I be assessed?

You will be assessed through a range of exams, practical and coursework assignments.

What qualification will I achieve?

Once you have completed this course you will be awarded a Level 2 Certificate in Public Services

What can I do after completing this course?

On completion of the course you may choose to study at Level 3, or explore the world of Outdoor Activities, which will prepare you for recruitment to the services.

With additional training you will be able to start your career as a Police Officer, join the Army, Navy or RAF, or become a Firefighter.

Are there any extra costs?

Uniform £140