
We know that it can sometimes be difficult to reconnect with education and training. We put together our Inclusive Pathways programme to support and build the confidence of young people who want to make a commitment to progress onto mainstream college courses. We will work with you to develop a plan just for you and help you to improve your maths and English, if necessary.


Hastings (Ore)


Entry Level

Course Type

16 +


Options Course Code Starts Ends
apply 30024 08/09/25 03/07/26

What will I study?

This course gives you the opportunity to show your commitment and enthusiasm towards improving your maths, English and life skills.

You will receive pastoral care, individual targets and our tutors will support and teach you in ways that suit you. You can participate in educational visits, work experience, taster sessions and enrichment activities, with the main focus on developing social, personal and ethical work skills.

You will have the opportunity to improve your expertise in these areas by studying Laser Learning Awards (Units). There are three different levels, Award, Extended Award and Introductory Certificate. You will "bank" units of accreditation to achieve each level. These units will form the basis for each lesson where we will cover topics, including:

  • Sport and Fitness
  • Healthy Living - recognising the importance of personal hygiene, identifying contraception methods and common diseases that affect our health.
  • Participating in Leisure - identify leisure activities in the community, costs, and health and safety involved.
  • Citizenship Understanding Diversity in Society * understanding, awareness and recognition of diverse groups and practices.
  • Alcohol and Drug Misuse Awareness * identifying and recognising the different drugs and alcoholic beverages, the effects of using and impacts on health.
  • Understanding Young People, Law and Order * researching and identifying the impact of crime on yourselves, others around you and the community
  • General Skills for Independent Living * looking at budgeting and caring for yourself and your home.
  • Business Skills Career Planning - completing job applications, practising various interview techniques, and researching and identifying personal career paths.
  • Employability - identifying and understanding the need for health and safety in the workplace, as well as developing the social and teamworking skills needed for employment.

What previous qualifications or experience do I need?

No Formal Entry Criteria.

How will I be assessed?

Your assessment will be 100% coursework for this course.

What can I do after completing this course?

Once you have completed this course, you could continue to improve your Maths and English skills to GCSE level, you could progress onto mainstream college courses, or you could look to start an apprenticeship.