Our award-winning A-Level is an exciting and inspiring way to explore the visual language of photography. This course will help you become visually literate by giving you the skills in composition, lighting, focus and exposure, encouraging you to make expressive, meaningful photographs.
Level 3
Course Type
16 +
A Level
Options | Course Code | Starts | Ends |
apply | 03105y1 | 08/09/25 | 03/07/26 |
Over the two years of this course, you will develop skills in both digital and chemical photography while exploring the work of many other photographers, artists and filmmakers. The course is project and assignment based giving you practical experience with digital and film SLRs, practice in the photographic studio, darkroom skills, the ability to critically analyse work, and instilling self-awareness of your own progress in the subject.
In year one, you will be introduced to the work of lots of inspiring photographers and will create your own responses using a variety of processes. You will study the technical features of your camera, documenting your progress, so you can analyse and reflect on your work.
In the second year, you will create a personal investigation that focuses on an area of photographic study of your choosing. This could be portraiture, fashion, experimental or even moving images.
Your course completes with a 15 hour practical exam and an end of year celebration in the final shows.
Our general entry criteria to study 3 A-Levels is: Minimum five GCSEs grade 4-9 with English Language or Maths at grade 5. For a mixed Level 3 programme the criteria are: Minimum five GCSEs grade 4-9 with English Language or Maths at grade 4. Subject specific entry criteria apply: No subject specific entry requirements.
The course is made up of projects and assignments with identified assessment points built in. These assessments feed into the College reporting system, and from here, we can chart your progress against your Minimum Target Grade. Through this continuous assessment and regular feedback you can see your own progress and development as you continue through the year.
Your work in year one will result in an AS, with a full A Level at the end of year two. This qualification can be useful for employment and it is valuable when applying to University or to Art Foundation courses.
Once you have completed this course, you can go on to employment, an apprenticeship or further specialism in Education. You may choose to progress to universities across the country to study a specialism of your choice, or you could join our BA (Hons) Photography degree in Hastings.
You will be charged a materials fee of £50.00 at the beginning of the course, to cover basic materials like print credits, chemicals and access to equipment. You will need to have access to a digital single lens reflex camera (DSLR), on which you can adjust the aperture, shutter speed, focal length and ISO rating. There will be some trips to local galleries or London that you will be encouraged to participate in and you will need to be able fund your travel and entry expenses.
As an A-Level student, we recommend that you work an additional five hours a week at home or in the studio to boost your skills.
We have lots of opportunities for you to learn outside of the classroom with trips to London and further including an international trip. Recent visits have included Barcelona, Berlin, Iceland, New York and Hong Kong.
You will also get the chance to work with other departments such as Hair & Beauty to photograph their creations and participate in various competitions and enrichments.