On this course you will study a qualification that enables you to engage critically with real world issues and places, apply your own geographical knowledge, understanding and skills to make sense of the world around you, and help prepare you to succeed in your chosen pathway. Units include, Consequences of Globalisation, Responses to Hazards, Water Insecurity and Climate Change. The course gives students the opportunity to develop an in-depth understanding of physical and human geography, the complexity of people and environment questions and issues, and to become critical, reflective and independent learners.
If you are someone who is environmentally and socially aware, interested in the world around them, current affairs and the human condition, then Geography is a course that you should consider. Geographers understand the links between places and people. They can look at complex systems in a straightforward way.
Geography combines well with both arts and science subjects. Geography is highly valued by universities as an A Level choice, particularly for Arts and Humanities degrees, including Law. The Russell Group report published in 2011 names geography as one of the eight facilitating subjects. This is a subject most likely to be required or preferred for entry to degree courses.
Level 3
Course Type
16 +
A Level
Options | Course Code | Starts | Ends |
apply | 02124y1 | 08/09/25 | 18/06/27 |
On this course you will study a qualification that enables you to engage critically with real world issues and places, apply your own geographical knowledge, understanding and skills to make sense of the world around you, and help prepare you to succeed in your chosen pathway. Units include, Consequences of Globalisation, Responses to Hazards, Water Insecurity and Climate Change. The course gives students the opportunity to develop an in-depth understanding of physical and human geography, the complexity of people and environment questions and issues, and to become critical, reflective and independent learners.
Paper 1: Tectonic Processes and Hazards Landscape Systems, Processes and Change The Water Cycle and Water Insecurity The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security Climate Change Futures
Paper 2: Globalisation Shaping Places Superpowers Global Development and Connections
Paper 3: Synoptic paper based on a resource booklet that is available to students in advance of the examination.
Coursework The student defines a question or issue for investigation, relating to the compulsory or optional content. The topic may relate to any aspect of geography contained within the specification. The investigation report will evidence independent analysis and evaluation of data, presentation of data findings and extended writing.
Our general entry criteria to study 3 A-Levels is: Minimum five GCSEs grade 4-9 with English Language or Maths at grade 5. For a mixed Level 3 programme the criteria are: Minimum five GCSEs grade 4-9 with English Language or Maths at grade 4. Subject specific entry criteria apply: A GCSE grade 4 in English Language and grade 5 in a Science subject.
Paper 1: Written examination: 2 hours 30% of the qualification. The examination will include short open, open response and resource-linked questions.
The examination includes 10-mark and 15-mark extended writing questions.
Paper 2: Written examination: 2 hours 30% of the qualification. The examination will include short open, open response and resource-linked questions.
The examination includes 10-mark and 15-mark extended writing questions.
Paper 3: Written examination: 1 hour and 45 minutes, 20% of the qualification.
Coursework: Independent Investigation, non-examined assessment 20% of the qualification assessed by completion of report.
A full A level in Geography.
Geography is a high-profile humanities subject, which shows a breadth of knowledge and can provide a pathway to a range of degree courses. It is seen as a 'facilitating' subject by Russell Group universities. Our students have gone on to study subjects including town planning, medicine, environmental planning, architecture and oceanography.
You will have to purchase a course textbook which will cost approximately £30. Further details will follow. There will also be a Geography Field Trip to attend.
Geography is a subject that sits between the sciences and humanities and is therefore a particularly good choice for those students who wish to have a broad range of A levels.