English Language A Level

English is an exciting subject and we hope you’ll enjoy the lively debate and discussion. Through studying English language A level, you’ll gain a great deal of academic prowess and the development of transferable skills.

Language is one of the key features that define us as human beings and, on this course, you will explore how it works: how we learn language from infancy, how we use it as a social tool, and how it has evolved over time.




Level 3

Course Type

16 +


A Level


Options Course Code Starts Ends
apply 02116y1 08/09/25 18/06/27

What will I study?

You will learn about the origins of English, the various forms it has taken over the centuries, how it has spread across the globe and what it might look like in the future.

You will also study the research of theorists in areas of language such as speech and gender, accents and dialects, and the language of technology. You will learn about grammar in order to explore the ways writers use language to communicate meaning in texts ranging from blogs to 17th-century journalism.

You will be taught to think analytically, synthesise information, and develop communication skills that are a prerequisite for a wide range of career paths.

The important skill of learning to write coherently and critically will aid you in your other subjects and is invaluable in higher education.

The NEA (coursework) unit will allow you to write creatively and to undertake an investigation into an aspect of the course you have enjoyed.

What previous qualifications or experience do I need?

Our general entry criteria to study 3 A-Levels is: Minimum five GCSEs grade 4-9 with English Language or Maths at grade 5. For a mixed Level 3 programme the criteria are: Minimum five GCSEs grade 4-9 with English Language or Maths at grade 4. Subject specific entry criteria apply: A GCSE grade 4 in English Language.

How will I be assessed?

2 examinations at the end of the two year course (80%) and two pieces of coursework (20%).

What qualification will I achieve?

English Language A Level

What can I do after completing this course?

English provides an excellent foundation for various Higher Education courses including law, medicine, English, linguistics and education. It can be combined with a range of other subjects at university. English offers increasing employability in a range of career areas, especially those that require developed communication skills. Students have gone on to careers in law, health and medicine, commerce and industry, marketing, politics and international relations, general management, as well as leading to more predictable areas like journalism, publishing, the media, education, theatre and public relations.

Are there any extra costs?

You will need to buy an AQA course textbook.