This is the ultimate humanities subject, with a bit of Ancient History, Literature, Philosophy, Theatre Studies, Archeology and more. This fascinating subject involves three key modules: Firstly, the Epic Poetry of Homer and Virgil where we study the tales of the Trojan War, some of the oldest and greatest works of human literature. This will require us to dive into the Bronze Age Mediterranean and Late Republican/Early Imperial Rome. Secondly, we explore the imagined Barbarians of the Greek psyche and compare them to their real historical counterparts the Achaemenid Persians as we take a tour of the social and military history of the Greco-Persian Wars. Finally, we look at gender and sexuality in the ancient world, from a Roman 'pick up guide' (with awful dating advice) to the heartrending queer poetry of Sappho.
Hastings (Station Plaza)
Level 3
Course Type
16 +
The World of the Hero The Invention of the Barbarian Love and Relationships
A GCSE grade 4 in English Language.
You will be assessed by your teacher at regular intervals during the two years using a combination of homework assignments, short tests, and longer tests. You will be formally assessed at the end of the second year with three papers.
A Level in Classical Civilisations
Classical Civilisation is highly valued by Universities as it is a challenging, academically rigorous subject and the subject also fosters skills which are valued by employers. Classicists can be found in a range of fields – not just teaching and museum/library work. Other areas include law, administration, the media, industry and politics.
You will need to purchase a few texts as we go through the course, such as a copy of the Iliad.