L1 Diploma in Hairdressing

If you don't meet the entry criteria for our Level 2 courses, this course is just for you.

The Level 1 Hairdressing Course is part of our Access to Service Industries Pathway.

The course has been designed for you to develop your skills in the practical elements within the sector whilst continuing to study for English and Maths at GCSE.




Level 1

Course Type

16 +


Options Course Code Starts Ends Days
apply 60073 08/09/25 03/07/26 Monday + Tuesday + Wednesday

What will I study?

During this one-year course you will gain an insight into the industry. You will learn core employability skills and knowledge on personal presentation, how to work as part of a team and communicate effectively. Practical skills will focus on core units and transferrable skills preparing you for progression onto the level 2 course.

What previous qualifications or experience do I need?

You will need to demonstrate an ability to achieve Level 1 English and maths by the end of the course through an initial assessment.

How will I be assessed?

Portfolio of evidence, practical assessment, assignment, exams.

What qualification will I achieve?

Level 1 Diploma

What can I do after completing this course?

This course is designed to support your progression onto our level 2 courses.

Are there any extra costs?

Kit and uniform approximately £200.

Additional Info

Upon successful completion of the course, good attendance, commitment and satisfactory progress made in English and Maths, you will be invited to attend an interview to progress onto level 2 courses such as Hairdressing, Barbering, Beauty Therapy or Media Make-up