Plumbing Level 2

Learn the basic skills required to work in the industry, including the study of the main plumbing systems such as cold water, domestic hot water, sanitation, central heating and drainage. You will also learn about the health and safety requirements of the industry, and develop your practical skills in our specialist workshops. This technical subject also includes a substantial theory element.




Level 2

Course Type

16 +


Options Course Code Starts Ends
apply 60108 08/09/25 03/07/26

What will I study?

This course will give you a basic understanding of the building services industry and help you to start developing specific skills in plumbing. We know most learners would like to learn as apprentices but, if you don’t have an employer who is able to offer you an apprenticeship place when you leave school, this is a great alternative way to start learning your chosen trade. The course includes lots of opportunities to learn the practical skills needed by a plumber in their every day work. Employers’ organisations were involved in writing this qualification and because of this you can be confident that the course reflects what employers need. Employers want workers who are skilful, but who also really understand why they need to work in a particular way. This is where the theory part of your course comes in. The theory helps you to understand the principles behind the practical skills. Plumbing is a technical trade with substantial theoretical learning. You must be committed to this theory element and give it your best efforts if you are to succeed on your course. You will need this level of understanding to work on site in the modern construction industry. You will also need to understand the theory element in order to progress and succeed at the next level. Employers also value people who can work independently and you will be supported to develop independent working skills whilst you are on the course. Your practical and theory lessons will not fill the whole of the working week, so you should plan to give at least an extra day to the independent learning tasks your tutors will give you.

What previous qualifications or experience do I need?

Minimum four grade 3-9 at GCSE or successful completion of the Level 1 course, and English and maths at grade 4.

How will I be assessed?

You will be assessed through a mixture of practical tasks, online tests related to each unit of study.

What qualification will I achieve?

City and Guilds Diploma in Plumbing Studies Level 2

What can I do after completing this course?

On successful completion of this level 2 course, and with a positive reference from your tutor, you will be able to progress to level 3 in the following year. Alternatively, you may obtain suitable employment in the construction industry and continue your studies as a level 2 apprentice.

Are there any extra costs?

Course contribution fees are currently £240. For those progressing from Level 1, there will be a reduced fee as they will already have a tool kit. Full details will be confirmed at interview. You will also need to provide steel toe capped boots and overalls

Additional Info

To progress on this course, and to go further in any area of training or at work, it’s essential to have good Maths and English alongside vocational expertise. You should aim to achieve GCSE English and maths before leaving school if at all possible. However, if you have not achieved a GCSE in maths and/or English (grades A*-C) before your College course starts you will continue to study these subjects as a compulsory part of your programme. If you are not ready to retake your GCSE, you will study these subjects as Functional Skills. Functional Skills put English and maths in their everyday context and develop your skills in the areas used by everyone to function in modern life and at work. They are also a compulsory part of apprenticeships in all trades. We will work with you to improve your maths and English skills and help you to achieve Functional Skills qualifications. We will also offer you the opportunity to retake your English and/or maths GCSEs if you are ready to do so during your time at College