Early Years Education & Care Level 2

Units of study include: supporting physical care routines for children; supporting children's play; supporting the needs of the child in preparing for school; supporting children's development; engage in professional development; and supporting creative play.

You will also undertake a minimum of 250 placement hours.




Level 2

Course Type

16 +


Options Course Code Starts Ends
apply 60126 08/09/25 03/07/26

What will I study?

You will study a range of units which are organised into clusters and include:

Support physical care routines for children, An introduction to the role of the early years practitioner, Understand how to work in partnership, Understand legislation relating to the safeguarding, protection and welfare of children, Use legislation relating to the health and safety of children, Use legislation relating to equality, diversity and inclusive practice, Play, Development and Learning for School, Understand how to plan to meet the needs of the developing child, Supporting children’s play in early years.

You will also need to undertake a minimum of 250 placement hours which will be logged and used to link theory to practice in particular with the following units:

Use observation, assessment and planning, Support children’s positive behaviour, Engage in professional development.

What previous qualifications or experience do I need?

Minimum four grade 3-9 at GCSE or successful completion of the Level 1 course, and English at grade 4 and maths at grade 3. A clear DBS check will be required.

How will I be assessed?

All units will be internally assessed using a range of methods. This could include direct observation within the workplace, a portfolio of evidence, written assignments or a task set by CACHE.

Additional assessment requirements: Some learning outcomes within this qualification will require assessment in a Real Work Environment.

What qualification will I achieve?

You will achieve the CACHE Level 2 Certificate in an Introduction to Early Years Education and Care

What can I do after completing this course?

This qualification allows progression onto the CACHE Level 3 Early Years Educator qualifications and other Level 3 qualifications relating to childcare. Job roles include Nursery Assistant, Classroom Assistant, Nanny and Pre-school Assistant.

Are there any extra costs?

Yes - you will need to pay £50 for a uniform that you will wear at placement and £30 for the course text book and materials

Additional Info

This course will lead onto the Level 3 Early Years Educator which is the new Gold Standard Qualification for childcare. You will need at least 4 GCSEs at grade 4 & above - one of which must be English.

You will be expected to study Maths and English at GCSE level if you have not achieved a 4 grade alongside your programme, both of which are needed to progress to level 3.