Early Years & Childcare Level 2

This Level 2 course is the perfect introduction to childcare practice. There is a diverse range of units to cover, each helping you to learn more about the industry, how children learn and how they develop. You'll also gain valuable experience in the industry during a 250-hour placement.




Level 2

Course Type

16 +


Options Course Code Starts Ends
apply 60041 08/09/25 03/07/26

What will I study?

Over the next year, you will study 14 units. Each unit will help you develop into an exceptional early years practitioner.

The units are exciting and varied and will give you an overview of the roles and responsibilities of an early years practitioner. You will understand equality, diversity and inclusivity in an early years setting and ensure that you are able to follow safeguarding, protection and welfare standards.

You will study theory and learn more about support children’s development, support the planning and delivery of activities, purposeful play opportunities and educational programmes, and promote play in an early years settings. You will also have the opportunity to put this new-found knowledge into action as you undertake a 250-hour placement in a childcare setting.

What previous qualifications or experience do I need?

Minimum four grade 3-9 at GCSE or successful completion of the Level 1 course, and English at grade 4 and maths at grade 3. A clear DBS check will be required.

How will I be assessed?

Your work will be internally assessed using a range of methods. You will be tested on your knowledge and ability to demonstrate skills in the workplace. This will be done through direct observations, written assignments, and a portfolio of work you have compiled.

What qualification will I achieve?

Once you have completed this course, you will achieve a Level 2 Diploma in Early Years Practitioner, awarded by NCFE/CACHE.

What can I do after completing this course?

Once you have successfully completed this course, you can progress onto our Level 3 course in Early Years or progress to our T-Level in Education.