Education And Early Years T Level

The Education T-Level will develop your knowledge and understanding in a range of core elements that will underpin your learning in Early Year Education. You will be given a context to the industry, learn the key concepts and theories in education, learning and teaching, and develop the skills you need to do the job.




Level 3

Course Type

16 +


Options Course Code Starts Ends
apply 60045y1 08/09/25 02/07/27

What will I study?

During this two-year course, you will study a range of core elements that include:

  • Child Development - You will learn about the expected patterns of children and young people’s cognitive, physical, social and emotional development and their development of receptive and expressive language.

  • Supporting Education - You’ll gain an overview of the National Curricula for different key stages, learn about the skills and attributes that support children and young people’s education, and understand current theories and pedagogical approaches, how they are applied in education and the evidence that underpins them.

  • Safeguarding, Health and Safety and Well-being - You will fully understand the legal requirements of health and safety, security, safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. You will also learn about safeguarding policies and Prevent Strategy.

  • Observation and Assessment - You will understand the purpose and role of national assessments and benchmarks, and learn how to accurately observe, record and report on children and young people’s participation, conceptual understanding and progress.

  • Special Educational Needs and Disability - You will learn the laws, codes of practice and policies that affect provision for children and young people with disabilities and those with special educational needs.

You will then have the opportunity to specialise in one area, depending on your interest:

  • Early Years education and childcare
  • Assisting teaching
  • Supporting and mentoring students in further and higher education

An industry placement is also built into this course so you can demonstrate your learning by combining your core knowledge and skills to develop a substantial piece of work in response to an employer-set brief. Your English, maths, and digital skills will also be enhanced throughout the two years.

What previous qualifications or experience do I need?

Minimum five grade 4-9 at GCSE or successful completion of the Level 2 course, and English and maths at grade 4. A clear DBS check will be required.

What qualification will I achieve?

Once you have completed your course, you will be given an overall pass grade shown as pass, merit or distinction.

What can I do after completing this course?

T-Levels have been developed in collaboration with businesses and are based on the same standards as apprenticeships - which are approved by the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education.

Employment Following your T-Level, you will be fully equipped to start your career in your chosen industry which means your natural progression route would be into full-time employment.

Apprenticeship You may wish to continue learning in which case an apprenticeship would be a seamless transition. Depending on your chosen employer and the existing level of the apprenticeship you’d like to study, it may be possible for you to start a higher apprenticeship at Level 4, 5 or even 6 - the equivalent to a degree!

University As you will be able to achieve the equivalent grade to 3 A-Levels, university is also a possibility.

Additional Info

This course is currently ony available to students aged 16-18 on the 31st August of the year of entry.